Tailored to your needs
Choose one of our comprehensive Seen Motors Packages and enjoy hassle-free driving all year round or simply let us know if you need our support at any car-related services or issues.
Seen Steel Package
From<br />AED
per year
Annual RTA test
80-point check up every season
Full detail, body polish and interior disinfection
Mechanical and electrical failure assistance and support including free pick up and delivery
Free evaluation while purchasing a new car
Support and advice while selling your car
Car insurance services
Seen Carbon Package
From<br />AED
per year
Annual RTA test
80-point check up every season
Full detail, body polish and interior disinfection
Mechanical and electrical failure assistance and support including free pick up and delivery
Free evaluation while purchasing a new car
Support and advice while selling your car
Car insurance services
24/7 road side assistance
Free consultancy while buying and selling a car
Seen Titanium Package
From<br />AED
per year
Annual RTA test
80-point check up every season
Full detail, body polish and interior disinfection
Mechanical and electrical failure assistance and support including free pick up and delivery
Free evaluation while purchasing a new car
Support and advice while selling your car
Car insurance services
24/7 road side assistance
Free consultancy while buying and selling a car
Free minor services (oil, oil filter and air filter change) and vehicle inspection
<br />AED
Including consultancy for choosing a vehicle brand, specification, type etc.
<br />AED
Firstly the client will get a consultancy regarding preferable car/cars. Secondly, we will find a client's desired brand, color, mileage and condition. Finally, the client receives written report after the full car inspection
*We will introduce the client to the seller in order to negotiate the price, if required.
<br />AED
Inspection of client's selected car at any location in Dubai only. we will provide a written report upon inspection.
<br />AED
The client will get consultancy
We will find a car and arrange full inspection along with a comprehensive report
In addition, we will arrange all the necessary documents, insurance, surveillance the RTA test
We prepare all paperwork including bank loans documents ,RTA paperwork, insurance etc...
Then client attendance at RTA office to sign the paper
Let us know which Seen Motors Package will help you to enjoy the ride the most!
- Call | WhatsApp
- 050 40 15 359 | 050 90 20 802
- contact@seenmotors.com
All Packages are valid for one year from the moment of purchase.
Terms and conditions apply.